Create Virtual Machine in GCP

Learn how to create a virtual machine from GCP in Little Pig Cloud Server.

Step 1

Log in to your Little Pig Cloud Server account. Navigate to the “Instance Management” Page from the sidebar. Click on the “Create virtual machine” button.

Step 2

Select “GCP” from the platform. Enter a name for your VPS and select the region.

Choose the desired instance type.

Select the operating system, hard drive size, and purchase duration.

You will get free 20 GB monthly bandwidth on every VPS purchase. But once it finished your instance wont get any traffic. If you want to buy data plan automatically, click "Yes". This will use your account balance to buy a minimum data plan.

For purchase duration, you can select from predefined time or select "Yes" for automatic instance renewal. Your account balance will be used to renew the instance.

Enter the password for your VPS instance and click on “Confirm”.

The password length is 8-20 characters long, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Step 3

Follow up the confirmation.

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